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This strange voice getting weak, to the last words, when Dai Sili have ears to listen carefully. To be able to hear clearly. When the sound disappears, Daisi Li caught hesitation : Who exactly is this person talking ? He in the end out of the way in which the head ? air max 90 Really can make in a short time to get a powerful force ? nike air max 1 Now how to do ? A hurry to leave it, or go boating adventure tall island it?did not hesitate for too long, they made ​​the decision, she played a hard paddling sculls, toward just that, a strange voice said island quickly crossed out, and now the development of this situation, letbeen riding a tiger feeling, she must now have to think of ways to kill Shi Jun, otherwise she would be dead people.

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Boarded the island, please also appeared with nike air max 1 nike air max 1 saw ! Daisi Li strange sounds in accordance with the instructions, toward the front right out of the pot calling, it really is to see one. Figure is squatting desolate weeds. When she see the appearance of this figure, the help of amazement. There have been countless before Daisi Li conjecture. But she had no idea how, at the moment to see this figure. Only twelve -year-old is actually a large, pink cute little girl. At the moment this little girl is holding a beach with something fishy red wolf, although Dai Sili heard footsteps approaching, she still did not look up, Zi swallowed hook, seems hungry panic.


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