Thursday, April 3, 2014 fashion clothing wupz

Gently a jump, Qin Yi riding in the animal 's body j, j saw the beast just gently stand up, and no violent resistance, Qin Yi hearts of stone finally fell down, gently stroking the beast j the head said : Although I do not know why you recognize Babyliss babyliss curl main, but now that babyliss curl has become your master, you want to call babyliss curl j j beast beast that is not nice, give you a new name from it. J beast gently neighing loudly, like listening to understand the meaning of the words of the Qin general. What is the name of it ?

Hear Qin Yi called Babyliss curl secret small fire, j beast sky suddenly scream loudly, carrying Qin Yi Huan ran off toward mid-air. Somehow got a head strength extreme terror animal mounts, Qin Yi 's good mood a lot, his face showing a happy smile, riding on the back of a small fire, Qin Yi overlooking everything on the ground, the sudden rise of the Qin Yi an illusion, as if he had is so general. Gradually, some of the broken fragments of the picture appear in the minds of the Qin Yi, Yi Qin these pictures are riding with a small fire in a very similar beast j above, with numerous enemies battle screen.

At this time, Qin Yi 's eyes flashed a hint of coldness, Chen Sheng Dai facing old and young monk said. Qin heard the words of the righteous, wearing old gently nod, but is puzzled look young monk looked Qin Yi, fashion clothing wondering asked : go, where to go ah ! To kill ah babyliss curl just said going to kill it? To the monk turned a supercilious, Qin Yi 's eyes burst into terrifying intention to kill, mouth revealing a cold smile. Qin Yi in the small courtyard with monk going out when Ziyun Princess suddenly ran out from the wing into the run, a Qin Yi will hold back from behind, soulful said: babyliss curl babyliss curl etc !


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